Long awaited updates

Do you ever put something off for so long because the thought of it is overwhelming? And then the longer you wait, the more anxious you become and the more daunting that task seems? If so, you are my people!

This blog, the non-profit, social media, the business side of things… it has all becoming a bit overwhelming. Please don’t get me wrong. I am extremely excited about everything that’s happening (I’ll get to all the exciting things in a moment), but somedays I just wish I wasn’t doing this. I wish Georgia was here. I never would have started a blog. I never would have started a non-profit. I wouldn’t be hosting fund raisers and selling t-shirts. These are all incredible things to be doing, but I wish so badly that she was here and my focus would be on my 3 kids alone.

but she isn’t here. This is reality. As much it hurts that I don’t have my sweet girl with me, knowing that what we are doing now will help future families is motivating me to keep going. I hate that it has taken me so long to update everyone on where we are now and what is happening with Dreams of Georgia. I’m so sorry my anxiety got the better of me… but please allow me to update you now.

First and foremost, a big part of the reason I stopped updating over the summer was because our family sold our house and purchased a 100 year old farm house! Yes. It needs a lot of work and has kept us very busy for quite a few months. It is nowhere NEAR finished, but we are making good progress.

I fully believe this house was from the Lord. We were not looking to move, but when this house became available, we knew this was it. This was God knowing the desires of our hearts and providing. I wanted so badly to start over after losing G. I wanted her nursery to remain her nursery in my mind forever. Now it is.

We also celebrated Georgia’s first birthday, December 2nd. We decided the best way to celebrate was to give back. The weeks leading up to her birthday, we held a Toy Drive. All the toys donated were delivered to Dayton Children’s Hospital. Rob and I delivered the toys to the hospital on her birthday. We donated close to 400 toys! Thank you to each and every one of you who helped us give back and honor Georgia’s precious life. Later that day, we visited Georgia’s grave. Her headstone has been placed. The best big brothers delivered hot chocolate and we finished the evening by eating birthday cake (with a peach on it, of course).

Now, for the most exciting news: The Georgia Room Project! I know I have already shared about this, as we are in the midst of fundraising, but it deserves a highlight in the blog. This project is the reason I decided to make Dreams of Georgia a non-profit organization. We have so many plans for the future, but right now our focus is getting this NICU Butterfly Room up and running at Miami Valley Hospital. To read more about this project, you can click the Georgia Room Project tab at the top of our page.

We have some incredible fund raisers going on at the moment and more to come. I will be sure to keep our Events page updated with that information. We are currently planning our first big event, a Pancake Breakfast! I’ve never planned any big event so I’m a little nervous, but I’m confident that our hometown will show up and make this an incredible event!

I’m looking forward to what is in store for Dreams of Georgia this year and I’m eagerly awaiting the opening date of the Butterfly Room at Miami Valley Hospital. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram more details about upcoming events and updates. If you feel it on your heart to start a fundraiser of your own, feel free to email me. Or if you would like to donate, please do so at: https://www.mvhfoundation.org/butterfly-room/


Courage in Time